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Thursday, June 17, 2010

I feel like I graduated from middle school to high school in quilting school today!

Wow, I feel like I graduated from junior high to high school today in the school of quilting!! I've pieced some pretty intricate blocks for quilting friends, have quite a few completed quilts listed in my resume, have been able to assist others with needed help, and lots of other misc. stuff. But, have always thought my just quilting in the ditch, or diagonally stitched lines that make diamond shapes, quilting, has always seemed pretty middle schoolish, next to the "real" quilting of other quilters . Well, today, I put my spring action quilting foot on, (only been on one other time, in 6 years I've had the machine) and proceeded to learn how to free motion quilt! Right now, I am 3/4 done quilting the Quilts For Kids quilt I have been working on, and I am just amazed at the difference it makes, no more just quilting in the ditch or those grade school straight lines! I actually can say it looks pretty nice, and it feels great to be able to say I've added another new skill to my resume in the quilting world!!

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